Like London Drama, National Drama has also developed support materials for Drama teachers during this lockdown period.
There is a page on their website at Resources and they have a Resources Folder for sahring resources at Resource Folder.
Take care at this difficult time!
As a charity London Drama has recently joined Give As You Live, a campaign to benefit charities by encouraging people to shop online.
Shop with your favourite stores and they'll donate to London Drama - all without charging you a penny more. From John Lewis to Expedia, you can compare thousands of products and brands that will all raise money for any UK cause and get the best deal online. Get started raising money for London Drama today. Find out more on the video below - select Full Screen icon to view properly.
Please sign up for London Drama's Give as you Live campaign at Give As You LIve. Many thanks!
Current Drama jobs here.
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Is your borough organised for Drama? Does it provide INSET or CPD courses? London Drama can support the development of initiatives and programmes for drama in boroughs. Please contact us if you would like more information.
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If your school would like to develop drama training please contact us. We will advise on or provide active resourcing.
Get Into Theatre helps you find out about career opportunities, work experience, training and much more.
This new practical resource book by Danielle Mackenzie published by London Drama provides teachers with seven exciting units of work and materials designed for the GCSE Edexcel Drama Examintion, New Specification, helping to organise "Order" in all that potential "Chaos".
Published as a downloadable E-Book.
More info and download here
Get 5% discount on all London Drama books at LD Books. (Log in required.) Applies also to members of National Drama and English Speaking Board. Find out more
Kill Jill! (Members) £6.95 £6.60
Big Brother meets Kill Bill meets Jack (of Beanstalk fame) meets Tony Martin. . . Mix these together to create Kill Jill. exploring the hot topical issues of homeowners defending themselves, and asks how far can Reality TV be allowed to go?
Jack, has been repeatedly robbing George at the top of the beanstalk. His final visit is different in two ways.
First: with Jack, is his girlfriend, Jill, (of course) who is co-incidentally the latest victim in Reality Lottery, a fictional TV transmission where people are forced (selected by a Lottery) to participate in a Reality Show, a futuristic form of National Service& to entertainment.
Secondly George has chosen this day to lay in wait for the young thieves armed with a shotgun. The ending is suitably Tarantinoesque.
Kill Jill raises issues of rights and responsibilities (Jack, Giant, Jill and the also TV crew filming the reality show). Kill Jill is full of imaginative techniques and makes for a thoroughly entertaining Theatre production.
Mark Wheeller is teacher and youth theatre leader in Southampton and is a well established writer of plays for young people.
Recommended products
In addition, we have some resources to support you via our e-news at Resources and our home page centre panel features our latest free online event
Drama Networks Survey
Are you in an active local network for drama teachers? Would you like to be? Take the LD Drama Network Survey here
GCSE Drama Take Up Survey
Has EBacc undermined GCSE Drama take up? Take the survey here.
Courses Survey
We are always keen to hear what courses we can run for you. Please take our Courses survey here.
Mapping Drama Practice
Take the Survey of Drama Practice: it will only take a minute
STEP is a borough-wide partnership linking the theatre community and education and youth sector in the London Borough of Southwark. STEP aims to equalise, extend and deepen the theatre and drama experience of all young people living in Southwark through the development of strategic partnerships between schools, youth and community groups and theatres and performing arts organisations. STEP's objective is to work closely with Southwark schools, youth and community groups and theatres and performing arts organisations to develop creative approaches to learning and provide innovative projects which stimulate children and young people's personal development and contribute to their educational attainment.
Find out more here.